Welcome to My Personal Page
Hello! My name is Faith Pucci and I'm a freshman here at St. Bonaventure University. I am a part of a program here on campus called Bona Buddies, which pairs student mentors with a kid "buddy" that they can look after and be a model for them to look up to. I look forward to participating in this program every week and take pride in my postition as a big buddy mentor. I think it's important for kids to have someone older to look up to that isn't just a family member or school administrator/teacher because they need someone that they can just let their feelings out to and hang out with to remind them that they are just a kid and life is about having fun sometimes! I, as well as my fellow peers in this program, love being a part of something like this to feel included in such a fun and loving community. This club is nearing its 50th year running on this campus, and I hope that with your help, we can keep mentoring these kids and making memories for another 50! The bonds that we've made through Bona Buddies are so special and truly represent the Fransiscan way of our university and community: love and knowledge.
With sincere gratitude,
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