Welcome to My Personal Page
My name is Elizabeth Egan and I am a senior at St. Bonaventure. This is my second semester working as a coordinator at the Warming House and before that I volunteered for a semester. It is by far the best job I have ever had!
Working at the Warming House has been an absolute joy for me. I love to cook and bake, which I do not have a lot of opportunity to do while at school. Being able to cook for people every week and be creative with what I am making is so much fun for me.
My favorite part about the Warming House is that all of our coordiantors and regular volunteers are dedicated to putting out a high quality meal and never hesitate to go the extra mile to make a dish perfect. Plating a nice looking meal and seeing a guest smile when you give it to them is such a great feeling.
I have met so many fantastic people during my time a the Warming House and I don't think my college experience would have been the same without it. Thank you to all of the incredibly generous people who have donated in the past. Donations are crucial to our every day function in supporting the residents of Olean, and in helping us to maintain the high standards of quality we strive for in our meals.
Thank you for your time, consideration and hopefully your donation!
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