2021 Franciscan Center for Social Concern

The Warming House

St. Bonaventure's Warming House, located at 164 N. Union Street in Olean, New York, is one of the oldest student-run soup kitchens in the nation. Originally founded in 1974 as a drop-in center for lonely adults, it quickly evolved to also serve one hot meal a day to the homeless, hungry and those living on the margins.

This year, the Warming House will serve more than 8,000 meals to those in the Olean area. With support from more than 300 student and community volunteers, the Warming House is open year-round, six days a week.

On July 13, 2021, exactly 16 months after the Warming House quickly transitioned to a takeout meal service due to the pandemic, we were once again able to open our dining room. In addition to an eat-in meal service, the Warming House continues to offer a takeout meal service.

The Warming House is not just a soup kitchen, it is also a community center. We offer valuable resources like a classroom for developmental education as well as related workshops. The Warming House provides service and internship opportunities for St. Bonaventure students as it continues its mission to provide nourishment, fellowship and dignity to its guests.
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