Magdalene Zitnik
Hello! My name is Magdalene Zitnik, everyone calls me Maggie though! I am a senior Education major. I have a minor in Mathematics which means I would be most interested in teaching Math to students. This is my second year in Bona buddies and its so much fun! Its great be able to communicate with the children of the community. This year we are in person so I am able to hang out with my buddy every Monday! We enjoy making friendship bracelets, playing tag outside, coloring, playing games, and dancing to music! I’m so happy I was able to join Bona Buddies again this year and I can’t wait to see how everything goes for the next few semesters. Your donations are what help Bona Buddies be able to do what we do throughout the school year. A lot of the kids in bona buddies don’t have mentors to look up to at home, even though we can only meet with them once a week we know that we are making a difference in their lives! Thank you for everything and have an amazing day, week, month, and year!
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