Welcome to My Personal Page
Hi there!
My name is Valentina Cossio and I am currently a junior acccounting and finance major at SBU. This is my second year participating in the warming house, a very fun and rewarding experience. I volunteered once during my Freshman year because my roommate was very involved and suggested I go because she thought I would enjoy it. During that summer I also participated in the Farm to Table program in which I worked at a farm and the warming house for about 10 weeks and it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had at Bona's. Working so closely with 4 other students taught me to practice a Franciscan way of living. After that wonderful experience, there was no alternative other than coming back to work at the Warming House as a coordinator, a role that I've treasured since beginning Sophomore year.
The guests make the time I spend at the Warming House so incredibly valuable, the way that they remember my name or the conversations we have are moments I am truly grateful for. Being able to work with such amazing volunteers and coordinators make this a learning experience as well as a fun one. I plan on being in this program until the end of my time at Bona's, but something that I've learned over the past year is that this program isn't confined to the academic year, and it will definitely transcend my time here as a student.
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